Thursday, March 18, 2010

Pecan Day

Pecan Day - Always March 25th

National Pecan Day - Always April 14th

Pecan Day is a rather nutty day. Its a day to celebrate and enjoy popular, tasty pecans. Apparently, someone thought that it was such a great nut, that they created two days to celebrate Pecans. One in March, and the other in April.The only nut tree native to North America is Pecan trees.
Origin of "Pecan Day":
Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of this day. So, we could not resolve the reasoning for two Pecan Days. We did discover that April is National Pecan Month. So, it seems more logical for Pecan Day to be celebrated in April.

Pecans can be used in many interesting and surprising ways, and you'll be able to find some to suit your personal tastes. Besides their delightful taste, pecans are also beneficial to your health, with research showing that they have antioxidants to help reduce the threat of cancer.

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